OS 9 vs OS X printing

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OS 9 vs OS X printing

Postby Macman » Tue May 23, 2006 7:26 am

If a WP document is created in appleworks 6 in OS 9, it prints without any problems. Then going to OS X and loading that same doucument into appleworks 6 and try to print the document shows on the screen but nothing comes out on paper. Even the preview shows a blank page. What needs to be set? or Why is this happening? (I am using the helvetica font, with the same epson printer on both OS.)
BTW, if I create a WP document in OS X and then reverse this process the same thing happens in OS 9.

I would hate to have to play the copy and paste for every document I have created. I have checked the margins and the are fine.
Any and all help would be appreciated, Thank you.

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